In today's world, having a car is incredibly important. If you're facing license suspension or revocation, don't panic - Charles E. Woolson, Jr., is equipped to handle any traffic court issues. From traffic tickets to marijuana possession, trust your defense to a lawyer who's seen it all. Let Mr. Woolson help you keep your license.
Mr. Woolson understands that you deserve fair and unbiased representation. Don't rely on the prosecutor to give you fair treatment. Don't let fear or confusion prevent you from getting the help you need - contact him today and see exactly what can be done for you.
Mr. Woolson has decades of experience in dealing with traffic and municipal court situations, including:
• DWI charges
• Suspended and revoked license cases
• Speeding
• No insurance
• Shoplifting
• Marijuana possession
• Drug offenses
• Not having a license in possession
• Failure to have car insurance
• Careless/reckless driving
• Traffic tickets